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Please read these terms of use carefully. By using this website, you confirm that you have accepted these terms of use and that you agree to abide by them.
- Regency Invest acts as an agent for the developer and accepts no liability to the Purchaser.
- Whilst Regency Invest endeavors to provide accurate and up-to-date information, Regency Invest provides no warranties or representations as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the information contained herein. Regency Invest assumes no responsibility or liability for any omissions or errors. Purchasers must verify the information and any speculative information offered by Regency Invest.
- The information within the website remains the property of Regency Invest. It is made available to the user subject to the terms and conditions of Regency Invest. This information is made available for personal use and must not be supplied, shared or communicated with any other person with the exception of your professional advisors for the purpose of obtaining their advice.
- Prior to reserving a property, Purchasers are required to conduct their own due diligence and make their own judgement on the property being offered. Purchasers are recommended to perform their own financial and legal assessment of any opportunity prior to reserving.
- Regency Invest does not offer an opinion as to whether a particular property is appropriate for a particular individual and owes no duty of care to the Purchaser.
- Regency Invest does not accept any responsibility for changes in rates of taxation, introduction of new taxes, changes to existing legislation or the introduction of new legislation or any matters relating to the final contractual arrangements for any purchase. Purchasers should seek independent tax advice.
- Rental assurances to assure rental income for a specified period, where offered as part of a purchase, are not supported by an insurance policy, or, bond, nor are they warranted by Regency Invest. The Developer will contract directly with the Purchaser.
- Regency Invest does not control the building or development of any project. Descriptions of Property, Homes, Buildings, Locations or Development Particulars, Specifications and Pictures and Artists Impressions of any property, home, building, location or development are given in good faith and believed to be correct, but they do not form part of any offer or solicitation and are intended only as a general guide.
- Developers reserve the right to alter plans, designs and specifications at any time without prior notice; therefore, Regency Invest will not be responsible for such changes.
- Regency Invest has endeavoured to provide the highest quality information, however,individual interpretation of information may vary and individual circumstances and external factors will impact on achieving a specific outcome. The future performance of the property market may not follow past experience. Regency Invest therefore does not warrant, guarantee or promise that Purchasers will make a profit from a property transaction entered into, as a result of acting on information contained within this website or otherwise. As with any investment, this may make a loss.
The Consumer Protection Regulations prohibit unfair practices. To satisfy our obligations under the CPRs, our sales particulars have been prepared by Regency Invest upon the instruction of the vendor and in accordance with these regulations. The property details are produced in good faith and do not form part of a contract.
The purchaser may be liable for property related taxes in relation to their property purchase and ownership in addition to any on-going personal or corporate taxation which may be applicable.
Regency Invest is not authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) andas such is not permitted to offer financial advice about investments, whether regulated or unregulated. Regency Invest does not offer Financial Advice.